Friday, November 23, 2007

Ginger, Enspiren Press, and all things nice!

Recently had the pleasure of cyber meeting a few new writers and editors over at Enspiren Press. One such writer who keeps me smiling and giggling is Ginger. To get a taste of her humor click on her icon to the left and visit her blog.

Ginger goes into the frenzied holiday season of gift-giving, that time of year where you need to have common sense, a wad of bills in your wallet, a list what to buy or else you'll end up with crap just because it was on special, an arm like Superman to push your way from the crowd...ahhh, don't ya' love it?

But for us writers it also means a turning point- a new year about to begin where we have another chance to begin anew with fresh resolutions to make. Well, I don't make resolutions anymore. Figure if I don't make one I don't set myself up for a boo-hoo episode. I tell myself the same thing once New Year's chimes in: I'll do the best that I can. I figure this covers it all and allows me to 'do the best that I can' in everything.

Now, I mention Enspiren Press and all things nice. The publisher, editors, and authors I've met so far are the 'all things nice'. It encourages me to find a whole group of writers and editors who are as giving, helpful, and gifted with a sense of humor like me. And this, for those who have heard my 'sob' story and know me, is such a delight compared to the ignoramus writers group I had joined when I first started out. Hogging and never sharing...ANYTHING!. Crits were basically what I deplore, "You suck!" Geez, thanks, now care to share what part sucks so I can hone it?

But what has this to do with Ginger, Enspiren Press, and all things nice? Tons. It's the season of giving and to be involved with a group that keeps your motivation and spirits high for a writer only intensifies the writing muse in you.

So to these newfound friends I say "Hello and Thank You!"

Lea Schizas


Chris Redding said...

How very nice to say all those nice things about us.
I, too, feel I've found a great place at Enspiren.
Chris REdding

Anita Davison said...

Hello Lea,
So glad we made a good impression on you and we need lots of threads like the recent 'naughty' one to keep us in touch with each other - and of course we share. Anne's critique group, and Lisa's, are the most generous, open hearted people I have ever met. Lets make Enspiren like that too.
Anita Davison

Unknown said...

How very sweet of you to find me an inspiration. Most find me a pain in the butt. :) I'd write more but I have to get a crow bar out of the garage and go unload the car from this mornings frenzied shopaganza. I need a nap.

But, I do want to say, I'm so happy to have made a new friend, and possible editor. *lol* Be gentle.
